Benefits Of Stones About Islam
The benefit of Aqeeq is that it creates joy in the heart, is good for eyesight and it helps illuminate sadness and anger. It is also revered in other religious and has been in use from the time of Hazrat Adam ( a.s.). It absorbs the rays of the sun and passes these onto the body and is good for health. Black Aqeeq protects children from envious eyes. Hazrat Imam Jaffer as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said that a namaz with Aqeeq is 40 times better than one without it. It is also great thawaab to use tasbeeh of aqeeq as said by Hazrat Imam Musa e Kazim ( a.s.)
Modern knowledge adds to that some more practical benefits of aqeeq in everyday life...
Among the New Age community, believers revere Carnelian's mental grounding power and believe this is the source of its greatest mental effects. They say it teaches one to focus on the present for the moments in life when all one's mental powers are necessary for success at a single, important task and is a source of confidence, eloquence and inspiration. For instances when you need a boost to creativity for problem-solving, Carnelian can assist in getting the mind out of mental ruts and back on track for success. In the long-term, it bolsters ambition and drive and reminds the wearer of the future's goals, hence becoming a powerful tool in major decision-making. Overall, many hold Carnelian dear as a stone with the ability to protect the individual, bolster confidence and generally enhance and expand the experiences of life.[1]
Medical benefits
Agate deeply nourishes your physical body with earthtone color rays while fostering cooperation among all of your body's parts. By opening lines of communication within your body, Agate's earthtones help coordinate your body's myriad functions. Agate also alerts your body's innate intelligence to your current state of health so that your body can rally its own resources to resolve any disharmonies. By flooding you with life-giving earthtones, Agate helps you forge a stronger connection with the Earth and feel more grounded and comfortable living in the physical world. [2]
More about its effects
Carnelian stimulates, sharpens, and enhances mental functions. It improves mental clarity, memory, and the ability to see things from a higher viewpoint. When you first wear Carnelian, it stirs up the clouds that inhibit mental clarity. Consequently, you may notice that your clarity seems to decrease, and your sinuses and lymph glands may become somewhat clogged. This effect won't last long. Carnelian teaches the body to metabolize these clouds. As more and more clouds are metabolized and eliminated, your clarity will increase and surpass what you experienced before putting on the Carnelian. You will also gain the strength to help you accept the many changes this increased mental clarity will initiate in your life.
How to choose a good quality stone
Carnelian's quality is easy to judge with the naked eye. A microscope is not necessary and a light table may even be deceiving. With Carnelian, color is more important than clarity. Nonetheless, to be therapeutic, Carnelian must be free of any rock matrix or non-Carnelian inclusions. The Carnelian should not appear muddy or dull. Cracks, even small ones, should be avoided, because they disrupt the Carnelian frequency.
The color of a Carnelian sphere as it is visible to the naked eye in sunlight is a true representation of the energy it will give to its wearer. To see Carnelian's true color, it must be held up in the sunshine outdoors, though not directly in front of the sun. In this respect, Carnelian is different from some other gemstones: any light source placed directly behind Carnelian makes it appear lighter than it really is. Carnelian color should be as consistent as possible throughout the sphere and, ideally, true to the pure orange seen in a rainbow. Such Carnelian is not plentiful. For many people, this optimal Carnelian color may actually provide too strong an influx of orange ray. Therefore, in most cases, using the Carnelian with a slight hint of red coloring is recommended; it emanates a degree of orange ray that is in balance for most people. The more commonly available, dark red-orange Carnelian is not therapeutic.
Well-formed spheres are vital to Carnelian's effectiveness. Irregularly shaped spheres diminish the strength with which it can express its frequency into the aura. [3]
1. Aqeeq (Cornelio or agate):
These are available in several colours: white, milky white, yellow, green, black, red, grey,
liver colour and many others. The best are the liver colour from Yemen, which are difficult
to obtain and expensive. It has great religious significance and for a Shia it is a must.
The benefit of Aqeeq is that it creates joy in the heart, is good for eyesight and it helps
illuminate sadness and anger. It is also revered in other religious and has been in use from
the time of Hazrat Adam (a.s.). It absorbs the rays of the sun and passes these onto the
body and is good for health. Black Aqeeq protects children from envious eyes.
Hazrat Imam Jaffer as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said that a namaz with Aqeeq is 40 times better
than one without it. It is also great thawaab to use tasbeeh of aqeeq as said by
Hazrat Imam Musa e Kazim (a.s.)
2. Firoza (Turquoise):
It is said that Firoza helps to create joy in the heart, helps improving eyesight, brain
and the heart. The Ancient Egyptians used it. The best quality of Firoza are found
in Nishapur (outside Mesh'had), Iran but they are also available in Australia,
Afghanistan, America, Egypt, Germany, Israel, Nepal and Tibet.
The great philosopher, Aristotle, said firooza helps to create humbleness pity for others
and is good for diabetics. It protects from the stings of a scorpion, snakebites, lightening
and drowning. The community holds a Firoza wearer in esteem.
The Holy Prophet S.A.W.) said:that Allah (S.W.T.) accepts the prayer of one who wears Firoza.
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.), Imam Ali (A.S and Hazrat Imam Musa e Kazim (a.s.) wore a Firoza ring.
If calamity were to befall on the wearer, the stone would break. When this happens, the ring should
be immediately be removed.
3. Durr e Najaf:
It is obtained from Najaf al-Ashraf. Those obtained from the river are more illustrious than
those obtained from the land. Both Hazrat Imam Jaffer as-Sadiq (a.s.) and
Hazrat Imam Hassan al-Askari (a.s.) have said that wearing of Durr e Najaf has great thawab.
It is good for ailments of the eye and it creates happiness in the heart.
4. Hadeede Seen:
They come in grey and black colours, but black is better. It helps ease the pains of childbirth.
Hazrat Imam Jaffer as-Sadiq (a.s.) asked one of his friend who feared the wrath of the Sultan
to wear Hadeed with 'Haft Jalali' engraved thereon and he was spared. It should not be worn
constantly, but whenever necessary. Hazrat Imam Ali (a.s.) wore Hadeed during wars. It is
recommended to wear during travels.
5. Yaqut (Ruby) - Manek:
It has good effect on married life, friendship, loyalty and business. It protects against
hysteria, cholera, plague, rheumatism and heart ailment. Hazrat Imam Ali (a.s.) used to
wear one and it is the ring that he gave away to the beggar in the state of ruk'uu.
Hazrat Imam Redha (a.s.) has recommended it for all mo'amins. In Surah Ar Rahman:
Ka anna hunnal yaqutu wal marjan.
6. Zamarrud (Emerald):
It is the best stone in all green stones. It is attributed to Hazrath Imam Hassan al-Mujtaba
(a.s.)- 'suz kafa'. Hakim Aflatoon has said the wearer of Zamarrud overcomes his enemies.
It protects against the ailments of the eyes and liver. It creates joy and peace of mind,
promotes goodwill and inclines towards charity. If a calamity is to befall the wearer,
it will break into small pieces. Both Hazrath Imam Ali (a.s.) and Hazrat Imam Musa
al-Kadhim (as.) have recommended it.
7. Marjan (Coral):
The Holy Quran refers to this stone in the following two ayats: Ka anna hunnal yaqutu wal marjan
and Yakhruju min huma lualoo wal marjan. Marjan and pearls are among the gems obtained from the
sea. It is good protection from paralysis, disease of the heart, liver, stomach, kidney and the effects
of black magic.
Ruby helps heal and open the heart. It is the carrier of the pure red ray of
the life force. Like all color-ray-bearing gemstones, Ruby's energy is a
unique combination of the color ray it carries and its mineral essence - in
this case, corundum. Thus, the way Ruby expresses the red ray is different
from any other source of red ray, red color, or red light.
Ruby's domain is the heart. Its greatest effects are on the emotional level
of your being. It heightens your awareness of divine love and enhances your
ability to experience and express it. Ruby illuminates the emotional level
of life and reveals the divine love at the core of every molecule in
Ruby teaches emotional mastery. Such mastery implies emotional balance,
understanding, and the ability to regulate how much emotion you want to
exhibit in a certain situation. Yet this is not all that Ruby teaches; the
emotional mastery Ruby teaches is total awareness of your emotional self.
The kind of love Ruby teaches is not human love, for human love implies
needs and expectations. Human beings need human love, yet this kind of love
alone does not sustain us. We also need divine love. Divine love gives us
the freedom to be who we truly are and who we deeply want to be. This
freedom nourishes us and our relationships. It gives us space to grow.
Ruby's love implies freedom. It is a noble and powerful love. It turns your
attention to that which is greater than yourself.
Unfortunately, many people have difficulty understanding the difference
between human love and divine love. Even those who understand the concept
often have no real idea of how to open their hearts and express divine love;
the necessity of divine love may make sense intellectually, but when it's
time to express divine love, they're not sure where to begin. Ruby teaches
this. Ruby will open your heart and give you a taste of what divine love is.
Then it will teach you how to be a vehicle through which divine love and joy
can flow. This love will then touch others around you, even if they're not
wearing Ruby themselves.
Ruby brings powerful healing to the emotions. Emotional disharmony is often
caused by congestion in the emotional level of being. Such congestion
interrupts the natural flow and expression of emotions. This can lead to all
kinds of unwanted emotional conditions, such as anxiety and depression.
Emotional congestion also blocks the flow of life force to the physical body
and feeds the body with disharmonious energy. When you wear Ruby, the red
ray identifies and collects in any areas of emotional congestion. At the
same time, Ruby directs the red ray to the corresponding area of disharmony
in the physical body. The red ray loosens and dissolves emotional congestion
in both the emotions and physical body.
When emotional congestion is dissolved, any condition it has caused in your
physical body will cease to be fed with disharmonious energy and will start
to heal. For example, emotional congestion associated with the stomach may
be causing chronic stomach distress. When the emotional congestion is
resolved, the stomach will no longer be fed with disharmonious energy, and a
true healing of the stomach's distress will be able to take place.
Wearing Ruby allows the red ray and the feeling of love to flow through your
heart chakra and filter into your physical body. Ruby also opens and aligns
the heart chakra and strengthens its regulatory ability. When this happens,
more life force can flow both into and through your emotional being,
bringing with it greater harmony, balance, and emotional fluidity.
Wearing Ruby helps your mind see and understand the connection between
emotional causes and physical symptoms. When this understanding dawns, you
will have taken a major step toward truly resolving the disharmony; when you
know the reason for a certain condition, you are better prepared to resolve
Ruby also enhances your mind's ability to orchestrate a better relationship
between your emotions and physical body. It empowers your mind to create the
opportunities for you to become more in tune with your emotions. This is
useful, because your mind is primarily responsible for bringing things into
your life or for removing them. When you begin to wear Ruby, your mind will
see that your heart is opening and you are preparing to accept greater
knowledge of your emotional world. As Ruby gives its love and you accept and
become accustomed to it, your heart will open even more. The more your heart
opens and the more love enters you, the more love the Ruby will give.
Love is the force and power behind one's strength, willingness, and ability
to make positive changes. If you truly want to change and are willing to
make the effort, Ruby can be a great tool. It can help you open to the
infinite source of divine love. This will help you make the changes you wish
to make and grow into the individual you wish to be.
O my Allah, the honour of being Your servant is sufficient.
I am proud of the fact that You are my Lord.
You are just as I want, so make me just as You like me to be.
الهي كفى بي عزّا أن أكون لك عبدا ، وكفى بي فخرا أن تكون لي ربّا
... أنت كما أُحبُّ ، فاجعلني كما تحبُّ
اللهم عجل لوليك الفرج يا الله
“Whenever you recite “Dua”, have this impression that what you
want is at the door.”
Imam Sadiq (AS) said: "God grants seven hours to repent to any believer
who commits a sin. If he repents in that period, nothing will be recorded
in his letter of deeds, but if he does not, then the sin will be recorded."
Shaikh Sadooq narrates from Imam Ali-ar-Reza (AS) that if a person does
not have the means to lessen the stock of his bad deeds, he should send
Salawaat and Salaam on Mohammad (SAWW) and His Progeny (AS)
bundantly, doing so will decrease (the weight of ) his sins.
According to Imam Jafar bin Mohammad as Sadiq, to remove worries
recite (i) al Kaafiroon (ii) al Ikhlas (iii) al Falaq (iv) an Naas three times
daily. After which recite "Allahumma adfa annil balaa" 3X.
Whoever recites a hundred verses from any Quranic Chapter and then
says: Ya Allah! Seven times, his Dua is answered and God will make rocks
clave for him."
Danial Mahdi From Sangrah Sadat (Chiniot) 0336 2051414